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The Sentry 38 Leather Black / Silver / Brown
article no.: 3117 A3772358
Authorised dealer

As an official concessionaire of Nixon, we purchase all our watches as new directly from the manufacturer - full manufacturer's warranty and authenticity are therefore guaranteed.
product evaluations for Nixon The Sentry 38 Leather Black / Silver / Brown so far: 5.0 points out of 5
Direct bank transfer price: 99.13
Direct bank transfer
Orders payed by direct bank transfer recieve a 3% discount.
Orders payed by direct bank transfer recieve a 3% discount.
In stock
- ready for dispatch in 1-2 days within Germany
No shipping costs
within Germany
Delivery times and costs abroad may differ from those applicable to Germany.
Informations regarding delivery abroad are found here.
- Express delivery within Germany available





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Product details
Waterproof until 10 bar
- Target group
- Größe
- Material
Smooth leather
- Colour
- Strap buckle
Tang buckle
- Drive
Battery (quartz)
10 bar
- Display
- Colour
- Digits
- Material
Stainless steel
- Shape
- Glass
Mineral glass
- Colour
5.0 of 5.0 (1)
17.12.2020 18:33 |
Die vielleicht schönste "Sentry", zumindest unter den fünf Versionen, die ich habe. Das kompakte schwarze Gehäuse, die kupferfarbenen Elemente auf dem schillernden Zifferblatt etc. bringen alle Details toll zur Geltung. Das Lederarmband rundet das Ganze perfekt ab – es fühlt sich beim Überstreifen etwas verknöchert an, ist beim Tragen aber umso angenehmer. |
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