• 100 days best price guarantee
  • 30 days right of return
  • Free delivery for orders exceeding 40 €
  • 24h express shipping
  • 100 days best price guarantee

Find your contact person here

You can reach our friendly customer service staff via our hotline, the contact form or directly by e-mail.

Use our contact form

Please enter number in the left hand field.

Call us

+49(0)40 244 249-55
Mo. - Fr.09.00am - 05.00pm

Do you have any questions about our products, the availability of the items or your order? Our friendly customer service staff will be happy to advise you.

Text us via WhatsApp

+49(0)176 8561 8780
Mo. - Fr.09.00am - 05.00pm
Please note that we can only be reached at this number via WhatsApp chat.

You have WhatsApp installed on this device?
Then simply click here.

Do you have a device handy on which WhatsApp is installed?

  1. Tap the 'Compose' button in the app and select 'New Contact'.
  2. Enter the name e.g. 'uhrzeit.org', the number is .
  3. Please include the item number of the product in your message:

Please note that we can only be reached at this number via WhatsApp chat.
For telephone contact, please dial the hotline number (see above).

We look forward to receiving your message!

Important information for your return:

In the event of a complaint, please contact us in advance by telephone or by email.

Often, malfunctions can also be rectified by yourself and in some cases direct dispatch to the manufacturer saves time. Please always send returns of unworn new goods directly to our Hamburg headquarters.

Address for returns:

Uhrzeit.org GmbH
customer service
HolzbrΓΌcke 7
D-20459 Hamburg

Interested in Hamburg?

You can find lots of information at hamburg-web.de